The games also saw the emergence of Michael Phelps, and Usain Bolt. The latter had the scientists wondering how fast can humans really run.

One Olympian who I immensely respect, more than Phelps or Bolt, is ex-speed-skater Joey Cheek. After his Gold victory at the Turin Winter Olympics, instead of gushing over the Gold, he used his 15 minutes of fame to talk about the Darfur Genocide. He donated his victory money to provide food and shelter to the displaced Darfurians in Chad. Cheek was planning to go to Beijing to speak for the voiceless, nameless Darfurians, but his visa was revoked by the Chinese authorities. However, he decided to turn this negative situation into a positive and decided to speak up against the Genocide from America.
The reason I am writing this post now is because I don't know if Darfurians would ever get a platform where their problems would be addressed, and finally be solved after four brutal years of killing and physical violation of women.

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